
The Changing Social Context and Emerging Issues

Meaning Of Human Resource Management (HRM): 

According to Invancevich and Glueck, “HRM is concerned with the most effective use of people to achieve organizational and individual goals. It is a way of managing people at work, so that they give their best to the organization.”

In short, it may be defined as the art of procuring, developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner.

A New Mandate for Human Resources:

HR can help to deliver organizational excellence in the following four ways: 
  1. Partner in Strategy Execution: HR should become partner with senior and line managers in strategy execution, helping to move planning from the conference room to the marketplace.
  2. Expert in Reducing Costs: It should become an expert in the way work is organized and executed, delivering administrative efficiency to ensure that costs are reduced while quality is maintained.
  3. Champion for employees: It should become a champion for employees, vigorously representing their concerns to senior management and at the same time working to increase employee contribution; that is employees’ commitment to the organization and their ability to deliver results.
  4. Agent of continuous transformation: And finally, HR should become an agent of continuous transformation, shaping processes and a culture that together improve an organization’s capacity for change.